Professional Experience

Graduate Research Assistant, Learning and Cognition Lab (08/2009 – 08/2012)

PI: Dr. Michelene T. H. Chi, Arizona State University.

Conducted research to investigate: (1) How students learn complex science concepts introduced via classroom activities, and (2) the effects of students’ reflections and teacher feedback on learning of various science concepts. Specifically, I developed curricula and assessment strategies, recruited research participants, coded qualitative data, conducted statistical analyses, coauthored papers, assisted grant applications, and supervised undergrad research interns

Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (CRESMET) at Arizona State University (08/2006 – 06/2009).

PI: Dr. Douglas B. Clark, currently at Vanderbilt University.

Worked with science teachers to test and disseminate findings to support K-12 students’ understanding of Newtonian mechanics in educational games; designed scaffolding tools for collaborative inquiry environments; investigated new methods of assessment in educational games; and conducted research to investigate conceptual change processes and knowledge structure coherence for force concept.

Graduate Student Fellow, Technology Enhanced Learning in Science Center (08/2006 – 08/2008).

PI: Dr. Marcia Linn, University of California Berkeley.

Conducted research on ways to promote and support argumentation in technology‐enhanced learning environments; integrated research on learning into online environments to support diverse student populations studying science; provided professional development for in-service teachers.